Saying Yes To New Adventures

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Saying Yes To New Adventures
It's safe to say the last couple of weeks for me have been difficult (hence the lack of blog posts - I apologise) but things can only get better!

I never went to university, and once I finished fashion college I threw myself into a commuting to London full time job, it was safe to say I hated it. All my friends were either at home working in retail still, or having the time of their lives at uni.. I was 19 waking up at 6 and not getting home till 8, it was too much for me. Since then I've felt like I missed out, on uni, on experiences which quite frankly I wanted to do.

Last year I went on holiday to a Neilson Resort... I had the time of my life and saw how fun it looked to work there. After applying last summer, and not hearing much from it I started to just get on with life, getting another job in retail / doing an internship / getting into a serious relationship. For the first time in a while I was stable, 'content,' I had money coming in and a social life... ideal..

Well, then the opportunity came up to work at the Neilson Resort in the children's club, and if you know me, you know that is my dream job (even if it is just for one summer). I had to make the decision to leave everything I'd worked for the past few months for the experience I'd always wanted, I won't lie it was not an easy decision to make. I hate disappointing people and by leaving I felt I would be doing exactly that.

But... now it gets to the deep meaningful life bit, you only get one life, and I said to myself I don't want to look back in two, five, or twenty years time and regret not doing this. For once I decided to do something for myself (probably being a little selfish on the way) but I know it was the right decision for me.

The reason I'm writing this post is because I have never felt so stuck before, I was happy, I am happy with my life, and why would I want to throw away my happiness at home for the chance to go abroad for six months, but I had to say to myself would I have ever let myself forget what an opportunity I'd turned down, and the simple answer is no. But I didn't come to this decision alone, and I needed a lot of support to make it.

If you're reading this and you're in a similar situation, take what ever opportunity it is to better yourself. At the end of the day home will always be there and if the same people don't want to be in your life after, it's their loss!

I told myself at the beginning of this year, whilst I'm still young I was going to say yes to more experiences, and I am so glad I am saying yes to this one.

So expect more travel related blogposts, like how to prepare for going away for six months, and some of my favourite beauty products which I will be taking with me, this is really exciting for me and I will try to bring you along the adventure with me!

Thank you for all your support

hugs and kisses


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